Preliminary Final Speech Competition
I walked on stage and took a seat on the 16th seat. I was nervous - no lies there.
There were twenty contestants in total from the High Flyers classes. Their names, room numberes and topics are listed below.
Michael T 23 - Relievers
Shikyna 24 - Music
Sofiama 17 - Sleeping
Mischa 21- Kids should not have cell phones at school
Angelina 19 - Village crazy lady
Makaila 23 - Teachers
Taare 20 - Cyber Bullying
Shanya 24 - Beauty
Calais 17 - Cheerleading
Nora 18 - Why children shouldn’t play
Helen 18 - Why we shouldn’t idolize famous people
Faith 23 - Smiggle
Charles 23 - Uniform
Teawe 22 - Why we shouldn’t have fizzy at school
Esther 21 - Using clean energy
Stephani 19 - Perfection
Chrysella 24 - Having a good future
Lialia 19 - Why I love my dad
Charis 20 - Why Mathematics is the Most Valuable Subject?
The competition started and listened to the well presented speeches. I kept feeling anxious, every time someone finished their speech, it was getting closer to my turn. I punched my tummy because it was making me nervous. I reassured myself that it was going to be ok.
It was the end of the block (nearly lunch time) and it hadn't been my turn yet (thankfully). After lunch, it was my turn. I wasn't scared. Surprisingly, I was quite happy.
After I finished my speech, I felt really happy and proud down inside. The finalists are Angelina, Nora, Helen, Esther, Te awe, Sofiama, Calais, Taare, Charis, Aisali and Shanya. The finals are on Monday. I hope that I win.