Thursday, 28 September 2017

World School Milk Day

World School Milk Day

World School Milk Day raises awareness about the importance of school milk programmes from all around the world. This is how we celebrated World School Milk Day. 

We have had lots of fun with our Milk Moo-Staches. 

We also completed the Activity sheet. 

 We hope that we win a Fonterra Milk for Schools Mini Tanker for our school.

During our reading sessions, we have been learning lots about Fonterra

Term 3 Reflection PMI

Term 3 Reflection PMI
I really enjoyed the speech competition because all of the topics were really interesting. My favorite topic was about cyber bullying and the person who delivered it was Taare.
The fun run was quite amazing.Because it gives you a lot of energy.But when it was the final round I did not get to run because I was at home sick.
MI visit was awesome. I really enjoyed it and we got to do some activities. My favourite activities were coding and cooking. MI is a really amazing school because the most amazing thing about that school. Is that you get to rotate class rooms.
MI visit was awesome I really enjoyed it. We got to do some  activities.  We looked around but my favourite activity was the gym. We got to play with marbles. There were marble tracks. There were science boards that you could look at too. My favourite science board was the zombies. I like the zombie board because that it looked real. There was a person called breeze she was the leader. Breeze showed us around and she made sure that we were well behaved.
One day a week we have hall play. It was really cool. We did gymnastics and the other people were playing soccer. They were doing boys vs girls I didn’t wanted to play because I had a bruise on my left leg. The hall play was fun though.
On Maori Language Week we had the final of our performance. I was really nervous. My mum and my step dad, aunty nan and my sister came to watch me do my performance. They were proud of me.
MI was absolutely amazing;  the year 6 found out what they do. My favorite class was well, everything! The first class group 9 went to was cooking. We made some delectable garlic bread. After that wonderful snack, we ate some sausage sizzle. That was finished; we had to go to Xplo tech. We got to pull things apart and put things together. We also drew our hand on a smooth piece of wood so when we came next year we would remember this very day. Once that was finished, we had a little tour. We walked around the school and played on their playground. While we were on tour, we looked at the art projects in the gym. Our tour ended so we went to the art class where we made these cool as hand art things. After art our trip had ended, sadly. When we walked home, it was as hot as the desert!
I didn’t like hall play because I couldn’t play with my other friends.
The speech competition was stupendous! I made it to the finals and was very happy to those who won.
Hall play was amazing! I got to spend time with my friends instead of getting crowded outside.
Fun Run was the worst. I was so exhausted from the laps we had to do.
The speech competition was great! Although I did not make it. I cheered for my friend Esther and hoped that she would win it for us. I wrote how it is bad to have cellphones at school.
Yesterday the year 6s went to visit MI. At MI we all got to cook garlic bread. After we cooked it we got to eat it was delicious.

Tongan Language Week was amazing when I made used of my tongan ta'ovala.
Fun Run was the worst time of my life. My legs couldn’t make lap 2 and 3.
It was fun and interesting to learn art with Mr Anand this year. We did lots of art with him. We did maori designs, geometry, shapes and taniwhas.
When we did information reports on an  animal, it was amazing. We got to learn about new things on animals.
When it was the speech contest, I was ready to hear the speeches. But it took forever. My legs were sore and my hands and arms were tired.
When we did persuasive writing it was very interesting when I started my topic.
I like Manurewa Intermediate visit because we made garlic bread. It was delicious.
The Duffy assembly because I never met Jackie before. She is a very good singer.
When it was Tongan Language Week, we had to practice our first dance. After our first dance, we had to do our second dance. We had to wear black and white.
Duffy assembly was great because we got to see this lady named Jackie Clark. She was a great singer and she can sound like a cartoon character eg. Power Rangers.
When it was the speech contest, it was fun. Some of them were funny and my favorite contestant was Esther.
On Maori Language Week, we did not wear our Maori outfits because their were not enough. It was still fun. We got prizes.

On Wednesday all of the Rowandale Year six’s went to Manurewa  Intermediate. We made garlic bread in the cooking room.
What I don’t like about Manurewa Intermediate is that it has dangerous things. It smells things like the compost and the pigs.
What I am looking forwards to M.E  is that the boys get boys night out  and get to do carving, cooking, arts and crafts and planting seeds.
This term we had a disco.There was  a dancing competition and fitness with teacher. It was badly hot in there. At times I couldn’t breath.
What I didn’t like was the Fun Run. It was very tiring. It was worse on Friday because we had to do five laps around the school.
I enjoyed doing persuasive writing on the computer. Once our teacher told us to read our persuasive writing, I got scared.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Preliminary Final Speech Competition

Preliminary Final Speech Competition

I walked on stage and took a seat on the 16th seat. I was nervous - no lies there. 

There were twenty contestants in total from the High Flyers classes. Their names, room numberes and topics are listed below. 
  1. Michael T 23 - Relievers
  1. Shikyna  24 - Music
  1. Sofiama 17 - Sleeping
  1. Mischa 21- Kids should not have cell phones at school
  1. Angelina 19 - Village crazy lady
  1. Makaila 23 - Teachers
  1. Taare 20 - Cyber Bullying
  1. Shanya 24 - Beauty
  1. Calais 17 - Cheerleading
  1. Nora 18 - Why children shouldn’t play
  1. Helen 18 - Why we shouldn’t idolize famous people
  1. Faith 23 - Smiggle
  1. Charles 23 - Uniform
  1. Teawe 22 - Why we shouldn’t have  fizzy at school
  1. Esther 21 - Using clean energy
  1. Stephani 19 - Perfection
  1. Chrysella 24 - Having a good future
  1. Lialia 19 - Why I love my dad
  1. Charis 20 - Why Mathematics is the Most Valuable Subject?

The competition started and listened to the well presented speeches. I kept feeling anxious, every time someone finished their speech, it was getting closer to my turn. I punched my tummy because it was making me nervous. I reassured myself that it was going to be ok. 

It was the end of the block (nearly lunch time) and it hadn't been my turn yet (thankfully). After lunch, it was my turn. I wasn't scared. Surprisingly, I was quite happy. 

After I finished my speech, I felt really happy and proud down inside. The finalists are Angelina, Nora, Helen, Esther, Te awe, Sofiama, Calais, Taare, Charis, Aisali and Shanya. The finals are on Monday. I hope that I win. 


Friday, 15 September 2017

Maori Language Week

Maori Language Week

Our flag raising ceremony.

Our front office desk.

Daily Te Reo Challenges was shared with us. We had a different challenge everyday. An activity book was also completed.

Twelve of us participated in Te Reo workshops in the hall. On Monday, we learnt how to sing a song titled Manurewa with actions. We also learnt a song where we used the poi for actions. We also played a game called Snakes in grass which was similar to tag. On Tuesday, we learnt how to use the rakau sticks. We also learnt two songs, one was called Rona. On Wednesday, we learnt the haka.
On Thursday, we did a rehearsal for the final assembly.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Tongan Language Week

Tongan Language Week

On Monday we had the flag raising ceremony in the hall. 

Sofiama and Amanaki did a great job hosting the assembly.

Thank you Mrs Maile for doing the karakia at our assembly

Students showing respect which is one of our school values 

Mr Ikitule addressing the school

In class activities

Students busy completing their Tongan Ngatu designs.

Students dying their artwork using teabags and coffee.

Jasmine and Sione looking smart in their Tongan attire.

Our front office.

Jasmine teaching a group of students how to introduce themselves in Tongan.

Our Tongan Ngatu

Students introducing themselves.

Our panel of expert Tongan judges.

Extra touches added to our Tongan Ngatu.

Esther introducing herself in Tongan

Tarla introducing herself in Tongan

Our Tongan Assembly

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Warriors Visit

Warriors Visit
Important messages shared by the our special visitors
This morning the Warriors came to Rowandale School. We did some activities and won prizes. I got a prize it was a water bottle and a wrist band. The question was do you know the name of the Warriors mascot?  It was Tiki. There was a lot of different questions and prizes.  There were two teams called Snickers and Toffee Pops. We took group photos to end the assembly and they threw three rugby balls.     
Today was a special day because players from the Warriors came to our school. As we were in the hall, the players started off introducing themselves. A guy named Tofy went on stage to spin a wheel. We had to have teams. There were questions that was about the Warriors. They spoke about important things that we should know. Children should have 11 hours of sleep and adults 8 hours of sleep. It was fun being with the Warriors.
This morning the spectacular Vodafone Warriors came to Rowandale School.  We learnt about the importance of sleep.We did an activity where we had to find the distractions that were keeping Jack awake. I scanned the picture and found the TV. So I put my hand up, got chosen and answered, “ The TV!” So I won a warrior's bag.
This morning the Warriors came to visit our school. I was excited for the guest to arrive. When they arrived Tofu spinned the wheel to see what exciting activity we were going to do. First we did trivia. They asked a bunch of questions about the Warriors. Next we did sleep at first I thought we were going to sleep. But they picked 2 people to come and read sentences about how important sleep was to family. Kids should sleep for 11 hours and parents should sleep for 8 hours. We talked about hydration and how important water can be. It was awesome having the Warriors at our school. Before they left we did a picture.
This morning we had a whole school assembly for some special guest. We were full of excitement some already knew who the special guest was and some did not. Rm21 got into 2 lines and started walking fast to the hall. When we got there, the special guest were the Warriors. Whaea Lois did a little speech and a girl that worked for the Warriors was our host through the assembly. There were three men that were apart of the Warriors team. We learnt some facts like kids have to sleep 11 hours and an adult has to sleep 8 hours. We learnt that a guy named Manu had scored the highest points in the Auckland Warriors rugby. We did a whole bunch of quizzes and games which we enjoyed. Some people won some prizes like a Warrior's bag, a drink bottle and some bands. Everyone had so much fun during the assembly. At the end of the assembly, we took a huge photo. Then the students turned to their teachers and went to class.
This morning we had a whole school Warriors assembly. There were four Warriors that visited Rowandale School.  They were telling us their names and their favourite chocolate bar was Snicker.  They talked about activities. Amelia won a rugby ball, Esther won a bag and a wrist band.
This morning all of the High Flyers and  I.A’s went to go and visit the Warriors in the hall. So first they introduced themselves. Important messages were that children need 11 hours of sleep while adults need 8 hours of sleep. So we would like to say thank you for visiting us. Rowandale School hopes you win the tournament.
In the morning room 21 went to assembly to visit the Warriors. It was so cool because we got to see the three rugby players. There was a lady who was telling us about the rugby players. She showed us a video and it was about the Warriors. There were four people in our class that won prizes. They were Juanita, Amelia, Esther and Jasmine. We all had fun.
Thank you Vodafone Warriors for the fun activities. I really liked the sleep activity game because of the spot the difference game. The one thing I liked about the assembly was when they gave out free prices.I hope you guys win the rugby tournament.