Thursday, 16 March 2017

Our Class Treaty

Fiery Taniwhas Treaty

  • Put your hand up to speak and listen to others when it is their turn.
  • Ask before you borrow things and always hand them back.
  • Move carefully around the classroom and keep chairs pushed in.
  • Always let the teacher know if you have to leave the classroom, remember your pass.
  • When the teacher needs you to listen; STOP what you are doing, LISTEN by looking and be silent.
  • Keep the class tidy and use recycle bins appropriately.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated and follow the school P.R.I.D.E.
  • Handle devices with care, always sit when using a device, visit sites that you are directed to.


  1. Thank you #FieryTaniwhas for sharing your Class Treaty and for incorporating PRIDE values right through it!

  2. Great ideas and I love it. Yes all kids needs to learn how to respect each other exactly what I'm tried to practice at home. Hopefully they are following and do it

  3. i think room 21 knows there rules already
    by juanita
