Saturday, 12 August 2017

Term 3 Achievements

Reading Eggs Trophy

Well done Fiery Taniwhas, so very proud of you. Term 2 started off with us winning the Reading Eggs trophy and so did Term 3. We hardly have time in class to do Reading Eggs tasks. There are so many other aspects to cover when we do have the devices. Great effort has been put in by students that complete their Reading Eggs tasks at home.  Thank you Taniwhas. Pleasure teaching you guys.

We were placed first in the High Flyers for the most effort put into our Cook Island Language Week Celebration. Have a look at our Cook Island Language Week post. Our prize was a Pop Up Pirate game. We love playing that game. It is really exciting and when the pirate pops we sound like a herd of elephants. An extra addition to rain day and free time games. Yay!


  1. Congratulations on your two achievements #FieryTaniwhas ... is a testament to your #PRIDEValues and hard work!
