Geometry Lesson - 2D and 3D Shapes
This week we learnt about 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes. New vocabulary that we came across were: edge, corner/vertices, face, angles, point, and net. We then chose a net, coloured it, named the shape, identified the number of corners, faces and edges. It was fascinating to fold the nets and make our 3D shapes. The end result was impressive. We learnt a lot from Youtube videos. We also looked at lines of symmetry.
Next we will be learning about rotation, reflection, translation and tessellation. Mr Anand will be doing some tessellation art with us. The artist that we will be studying is M.C. Escher. We will learn what a pattern and tessellation is, when a tessellation/pattern is used in real life and the process of how to make a tessellation.
Facts about M.C. Escher website
Escher Tessellation Art Gallery 1 -
Looking forward to our art session with Mr Anand.
Great to see the #FieryTaniwhas celebrating #MathsWeek at @RowandaleSchool by enjoying Shapes and Art integration!