Monday, 16 October 2017

Welcome to Term 4

Welcome to Term 4

I hope that you have had a relaxing break. The year has flown by so quickly. It is already term 4 which is nine weeks.

Some reminders:

*Sun hats are compulsory this term.
*Our swimming days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays (odd weeks) from 9:15 - 9:45. Please ensure that your child has the correct swimming togs.
*Tennis sessions will take place on Monday from 11:30 -12:00 for the first four weeks.
*Our Inter-syndicate Athletics day will take place on Thursday 30 November of week 7.
*Camp for the Year 6's will take place in week 6 and the cost is $80.
*EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) for the Year 5's will take place in week 6 and the cost is $20.
*Parent helpers are needed for camp and EOTC. Please let us know if you are available. Police vetting forms will need to be completed.
*Please return permission slips and medical forms to your child's teacher.
*Fundraising this term includes an ice cream sale on Friday of week 1 and a Cake Bake sale on Thursday of week 4.
*For Maths, we will be looking at Algebra and we will cover the Number gaps. Mathletics and basic facts ladder activities will be set regularly. Ensure that your child completes these.
*In Writing, we will be focusing on Persuasive and Explanation genres.
*Our Inquiry focus is, "Live Life with Less Rubbish." How can we improve our community/world?
*For Art, we will be collecting trash and doing some recycled art. Feel free to share your ideas with your child.
*School journals will be sent home daily and Reading eggs tasks will be set. Please ensure that your child completes them.
*Students will receive their final reports at the end of this term.
*If your child is in Year 6, please ensure that they have been enrolled in an Intermediate school ASAP.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. My email address is


Yesmeen Rassool

1 comment:

  1. Thank you #FieryTaniwhas for sharing some of the Term 4 expectations at @RowandaleSchool
