Fiery Taniwhas posing with Harold.
We love you Harold.
Waiting anxiously to get in.
Key messages that were covered was peer pressure and how the brain influences our decisions. We learnt the difference between a choice and a decision.
Chanel was chosen to decide which destination she will be taking her class mates to. The choices were South Island, Disneyland or Gold Coast with different packages. Chanel had a difficult task with all the peer pressure that she was under. She finally chose South Island since they got to fly first class, get picked up by limo, stay in a five star hotel, everything paid for plus $20 000 spending money. Hilary then said that there was some bad news. They all screamed, "WHAT". She said that they will be going nowhere.
We then completed the recount planning sheet together. Our next step was to go and now write independently using the template as a guide. It was great having the visual cues at the corner to refer to. Adding detail to our writing was simplified.